What is chrome-manganese stainless steel ? ( 200 Series Stainless Steels )

The 200 arrangement is a class of austenitic stainless steels that are portrayed by having low nickel content. These are likewise alluded to as chrome-manganese (CrMn) stainless steel.


Austenitic steels, which incorporates both the 200 and 300 arrangement stainless steels, are characterized by their face-focused cubic structure. That is, the precious stone structure has one iota at each edge of the 3D shape and one amidst each face.

This is rather than ferritic steels, which are described by a body-focused cubic structure.

Nickel is the most regularly utilized component to deliver this precious stone structure, in any case, because of a deficiency of nickel amid and promptly after World War II, endeavors were made to lessen utilization of the metal. This prompted the substitution of nitrogen for nickel in the generation of some austenitic erosion safe steels, and the making of 200 arrangement of stainless steels.

While nitrogen alloyed in steel will likewise frame a face-focused cubic structure, it brings about unsafe chromium nitrides and expands gas porosity. The option of manganese enables more nitrogen to be securely included, be that as it may, nickel can't be totally expelled from the amalgam. 200 arrangement stainless steels are, thusly, portrayed by their nitrogen and manganese content.

Creation and interest for low nickel stainless steels surged in the 1980s as nickel costs took off and, once more, endeavors were made to diminish utilization of the metal.

This prompted the improvement of an enormous creation increment in India. Asia is currently a noteworthy hotspot for, and buyer of, this group of steels.


While consumption safe, the 200 arrangement has a lower capacity than 300 arrangement to ensure against setting erosion, which happens in conditions that have high dampness and chlorine substance, and fissure consumption, which brings about dormant fluid and high corrosive situations.

This is on the grounds that, keeping in mind the end goal to diminish the nickel content, the chromium content should likewise be lessened, subsequently, bringing down consumption resistance.

Arrangement 200 stainless steels have superb effect resistance and sturdiness, even in low (even cryogenic) temperatures. They are for the most part harder and more grounded than 300 arrangement steels, fundamentally because of their higher nitrogen content, which goes about as a strengthener. Since they are austenitic, both the 200 and 300 arrangement's of stainless steels are not attractive.

Albeit austenitic steels are more costly than their ferritic partners, the 200 arrangement in less expensive to create than 300 arrangement steels in light of their lower nickel content.

The 200 arrangement, in any case, experiences bring down formability (malleability) than 300 arrangement grades (despite the fact that this can be enhanced with the expansion of copper).


Because of its lower erosion resistance, the scope of uses for 200 arrangement stainless steels is smaller than 300 arrangement steels. It is not prescribed for use in synthetic conditions but rather has discovered its way into numerous family unit things.

A few applications for 200 arrangement stainless steel incorporate into:

dishwashers and clothes washers

cutlery and cookware

in-house water tanks

indoor and non-basic outside design

nourishment and drink gear

cars (basic)

cars (enlivening)

stainless steels chemical composition


200 Series Stainless Steel. CrMn Grades. ASSDA Technical Bulletin. Version 1: October 2006.

New 200-Series Steels: An open door or a danger to the picture of stainless steel? The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF). November 2005.

URL: www.worldstainless.org

Concoction Composition of 200 Series Stainless Steels