What is the hot forming ? samicinar 7:45 AM direct methodhot formingindirect method What is the hot forming ? Direct method: Form is heated in unsprung steel sheet, form is given in hot condition and hardened in ca... 1
Why Do Lakes Freeze from the Top Down? samicinar 6:59 AM freezed lakeWhy Do Lakes Freeze from the Top Down? Why Do Lakes Freeze from the Top Down? The fact that ice is less dense than water has a profound ecological signifi cance. Consider,... 0
Fuel Values of food and Substances samicinar 12:49 AM calorifood of values fuelFuel Values of food and Substancesjoule T he food we eat is broken down, or metabolized, in stages by a group of complex biological molecules called enzymes. Most of the ener... 0
The Disappearance of the Dinosaurs samicinar 4:05 AM dinosaursdisappearancemysteryThe Disappearance of the Dinosaurs Dinosaurs dominated life on Earth for millions of years and then disappeared very suddenly. To solve the mystery, paleontologists studi... 0
An Undesirable Precipitation Reaction samicinar 12:17 PM CaCO3dolomitelimestonereaction Boiler scale almost fills this hot-water pipe. The deposits consist mostly of CaCO 3 with some MgCO 3 . Limestone (CaCO3) and dol... 0
Distribution of Elements on Earth and in Living Systems samicinar 5:13 AM Distribution of Elements on Earth and in Living Systemselementshuman bodyworld layer The majority of elements are naturally occurring. How are these elements distributed on Earth, and which are essential to living system... 0
The Importance of Units samicinar 1:04 PM importanceNASAThe Importance of Unitsunit Artist’s conception of the Martian Climate Orbiter In December 1998, NASA launched the 125-million dollar Mars Climate Orbiter, int... 0
Primordial Helium and the Big Bang Theory samicinar 12:51 PM astronomersbig bang theorygalaxyhelium A color photo of some distant galaxy, including the position of a quasar. Where did we come from? How did the universe begin? Humans... 0
what are the Steel manufacturing process ? samicinar 6:29 AM manufacturing steelsteelsteel process Techniques for assembling steel have advanced essentially since mechanical generation started in the late nineteenth century. Present da... 0
What is Iron Ore ? samicinar 8:36 AM BeneficiationHematiteIron OreMagnetite Press metal is a crucial info material in the generation of essential steel. Relative plenitude of the minerals hematite (Fe2O3) an... 0
What is Metallurgical Coal ? samicinar 8:35 AM Coke in SteelmakingCoke MakingMetallurgical Coal Metallurgical coal, otherwise called coking coal, is utilized to deliver coke, the essential wellspring of carbon utilized as a part of ... 1
Cobalt Metal | Properties, Production, and Applications samicinar 8:21 AM Cobalt ApplicationsCobalt MetalCobalt ProductionCobalt Properties Cobalt is a gleaming, weak metal that is utilized to create solid, consumption and warmth safe combinations, lasting magnets and hard me... 0
Fabricating Process of Copper samicinar 8:20 AM Fabricating Process of CopperOxide Ore Processing and SX/EWProcess of CopperSulfide Ores Copper is commonly extricated from oxide and sulfide minerals that contain in the vicinity of 0.5 and 2.0 percent copper. The refin... 0